At SIM we are passionate about enabling and equipping those who lead and teach churches to understand the Bible well so that they can teach it clearly. Many churches are led by pastors, lay preachers and church workers who have never had the opportunity or privilege of theological study.
All too often, the main reason that those in leadership in churches in South Africa have not had the training they would like is due to the costs involved. The Church Leadership Training Fund exists to help by providing partial scholarships to students at Bible College who are studying to develop leadership skills in their continuing ministry in SIM related churches. Studies can be completed full time or through distance learning at any of a range of educational institutions.
The aim is that by strengthening the leadership of local churches, the members of those churches will grow in maturity and that church leaders will be able to train and develop others.
For more information about this project please email the Projects Coordinator on [email protected].

If you would like to support this project financially, this can be done via EFT or by making a deposit in the SIM South Africa account, details of which are below. Please ensure that you give the project number for this project – 86474 – as a reference to ensure that your gift is allocated correctly. Thank you.
SIM South Africa
Standard Bank, Blue Route Branch
Account Number: 072 877 014
Branch Code: 025 609