Developing front line leaders for God’s army

In the military you train leaders or you die. As Christians we face a spiritual battle that is more intense and more real than the conflict a soldier faces in combat. But we are not as intentional as we should be in rigorously training and developing people to...

Pray for South Africa

Pray for people in authority in the nation To have their hearts directed by the Lord: The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. (Proverbs 21:1) To recognize their authority as under God: “Do you refuse to speak...

Ebola update November 2014

Fight Against Ebola The fight against Ebola in West Africa has been going on since the beginning of 2014. As the final quarter of the year approaches, the spread of this deadly disease is escalating out of control. As of 23 September 2014, Centre of Disease Control...

A vision to reach Tanzania’s youth

SIM’s Johan and Trudie Robbertze have served in Tanzania for more than 10 years, involved in weekly children’s clubs, and teaching religious classes at primary schools and life skills classes at a secondary school. “As our focus was mainly on the...

MP3 players in Mozambique

  Life at the moment is hectic! Yes, even where we live way out in the bush, life is busy. The teaching sessions are going very well. We praise the Lord for the eagerness of the people.  As we are now in presidential election time we had to change the bible...