News Stories

Read of God’s work through SIM in our new WhatsApp edition

We love sharing stories of what God is doing through our workers and ministries, in our lives and in the lives of those whom we serve in Christ's name. We are pleased by how our print SIMnow magazine helps do that for the Lord's glory and honour. We realise, however,...

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An introduction to 10 Days of Prayer 2024

An introduction to 10 Days of Prayer 2024

As we begin our 10 Days of Prayer for revival in SIM, we invite you to follow along each day on our social media and with the 10 days of prayer 2024 guide booklet. Some might see the 10 Days of Prayer as an annoying addition to an already hectic schedule. Or the word...

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Read our latest issue of SIMnow magazine

Read our latest issue! We rejoice in all that the Lord is doing in the lives and ministries entrusted to SIM Southern Africa. As always, thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support!

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Please join us in prayer

Our motto is "By Prayer", and the prayers of other believers are vital to the ministries that the Lord has entrusted to us and our workers. We cherish and rely upon your prayers. You can know how best to pray for SIM South Africa and its workers and leaders by...

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