Serving the strangers among us
Individuals and churches looking for ways to serve the strangers among them might consider helping them learn English. “This is a great way that churches can reach the populations that are on our doorstep,” said Sandy, an SIM SA missionary in Cape Town. “There are...
Partial scholarship programme to Bible college students
May we introduce you to a young man named Thembelani Maqajana? Thembelani lives in the Khayelitsha district of Cape Town, is married with a 7-year-old son, and is a teaching elder at Makukhanye Baptist Church. Thembelani is also someone who has benefitted through SIM...
Serving the church in North Africa
SIM’s merger with another organisation last year has brought in many new workers, including a South African woman helping the church in North Africa. “There’s so much happening there, which you’ll never know unless you’re there,” said Maria.* *Name has been changed...
Digging into the roots of mission
To find the way forward, one must first examine what has come before and gain a clear sense of how it has shaped what is now. For that reason, SIM South Africa country director Siegfried Ngubane undertook a month-long research trip around South Africa last summer. An...
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