May we introduce you to a young man named Thembelani Maqajana?

Thembelani lives in the Khayelitsha district of Cape Town, is married with a 7-year-old son, and is a teaching elder at Makukhanye Baptist Church.

Thembelani is also someone who has benefitted through SIM SA’s Church Leadership Training Fund. The fund provides partial scholarships to Bible college students studying to develop leadership skills for their continuing church ministries. Applicants must also have the support of their home church for their studies. Some are in full-time training to be pastors, while others are training to be better equipped for their ministries within their local church.

The programme has been helping students since 2004; this year, the fund awarded eleven scholarships totalling over R51,000 to a variety of people from both urban and rural churches.  Awards are determined annually by representatives of SIM and its partner churches, Africa Evangelical Church and Evangelical Church of South Africa.

Across South Africa, there is a need for pastors and teachers to receive sound Biblical training, equipping them to teach and train others. We are excited to be working with churches and individuals around South Africa, supporting the training of the next generation of leaders so they are “thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).

Thembelani recently completed his Bachelor of Ministry studies at Cape Town Baptist Seminary.  He offered this testimony about the way the Church Leadership Training Fund has helped him:

“In 2015 I have applied for the Scholarship in SIM since I was struggling to pay my fees and I was not working. By God`s Grace I was granted the scholarship which help me to continue with studies with a Cape Town Baptist Seminary. It has helped me very much because I am still studying at the college even this and my tuition is fully paid for this semester as well. You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the ministry. To serve God in my community. I hope I will be of good use in my church as you have helped me. And my future plans is to stay in pastoral ministry and teaching God`s Word as I believe that God has called me for.” 

There are more people like Thembelani that we are wanting to support in their training for ministry, so would you consider becoming a prayer partner or giving financially? If you would like to receive prayer updates, then please let us know on [email protected], and we will send you regular e-mail updates. If you are able to support this work financially, then gifts can be given through the following bank details:

SIM Southern Africa,
Standard Bank, Blue Route,
Branch Code:  025609
Account Number:  072877014
Please quote the project number ZA86474 when donating and let us know about the donation on [email protected].  Thank you for your prayers and gifts.

By Neil Parmenter, SIM SA projects coordinator