ANGOLA – Two SIM missionaries serving in South Africa traveled today to Angola to help conduct a full review of SIM’s work there.

Marcus Baeder, Emma Brewster, and six others will spend the next two weeks gathering information about SIM’s members, ministries, and partnerships throughout the country.

“SIM International did a review and saw a need to evaluate how things are going,” Marcus said Tuesday, adding that the idea is to conduct a review for each country where SIM has connections.

The team will begin with training and preparation and then split into pairs to visit all aspects of SIM throughout Angola. Before leaving, they will have drafted most of the report, which will be shared with SIM leaders in the international and Angolan offices.

This review will be Marcus’ first as a researcher, but he was serving in west Africa when a team conducted a country review there. He is eager to understand the process better and to see what God is doing in an area he’s not been. He’s also looking forward to reconnecting with friends now serving in Angola.

Prayer requests:

  • for the health, stamina, and safety of the team members as they travel around Angola, especially given the scope and pace of the project
  • for all those involved in the review to be wise, open and attentive
  • for the resulting review to be accurate, informative, and useful

By Brian Heffron, SIM Southern Africa missionary journalist

1 September 2016