Dear prayer partner,

For the past two years, Pray Today has been increasingly hindered by two problems: delivery through the post, and fitting all the content into six columns on a single sheet of A4.

The first problem has included significant difficulty in obtaining postage stamps and late or failed delivery to many readers. The second problem has meant editing people’s submissions heavily, cutting as much as three-quarters from how some people had worded their praises and prayer requests. Each of these problems has also greatly increased the time our staff needed to dedicate to this publication each month, thereby limiting the time they could spend on other SIM South Africa publications and tasks.

We have long tried to find solutions, but we have finally concluded that faithful stewardship of time and resources oblige us to phase out paper delivery of Pray Today after the October issue. Without the space limits of the single A4 sheet, our electronic versions will allow our workers to express their joys and petitions in their own words with only minimal edits, to have them be timelier, and to present it all in a larger typeface that should be easier to read. The additional space also enables us to reinstate such special content as “Meet the Missionary,” which has not been able to fit for quite some time.

We cherish and rely upon your prayers, so we encourage you to subscribe to either the monthly email edition of Pray Today (write to [email protected]) or our daily feed of the same content on the PrayerMate mobile app (information and links at Those who still desire a paper copy will be able to print the email edition.

We hope you will find this new approach easier to read, more engaging, and more personal. Thank you very much for your continued prayers!