Is the Lord calling you to serve in missions? Do you yearn to offer your time and talents to Him in the Great Commission?

If so, then SIM South Africa may be able to help connect you with your calling.

SIM is a worldwide mission, with over 4000 workers serving in over 70 countries. We are a diverse reflection of Christ’s creation, coming from multiple Protestant denominations, about 70 nationalities, and many professional and vocational backgrounds. We celebrate and faithfully follow Christ’s prayer in John 17:20-23:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (NIV)

These are just a few of the thousands of opportunities in these and other countries, all waiting for believers to bless others in Christ’s name. Each represents a ministry need being prayed for someone to fill—perhaps you. 

Please note that each SIM worker is responsible for raising their own funds, gathering a team of individuals and churches that will support them financially and in prayer and encouragement.



In Addis Ababa, you can make a difference for eternity in the lives of children at an international Christian school. Bingham Academy is looking for teachers to serve at least two years in such subjects as English, Economics, French, Geography, IT, and Mathematics.


Be part of SIM’s team in the country where our ministries began in 1893! 

SIM Nigeria needs a personnel coordinator. Help advance the gospel through coordinating human resource efforts on behalf of approximately 80 missionaries and guide staff working in areas of immigration, medical care, people care, child safety, and communications in Nigeria.  

Niger Creek Ministry Centre (a small guest house serving SIM and the Christian community) is seeking a hospitality manager. Support the advancement of the gospel through your skills in organisation, your encouraging spirit, your ability to guide others, and your servant’s heart.

Hillcrest School in Jos is seeking teachers in pre-school, primary and secondary levels. Use your love for teaching and passion to serve Christ in an international Christian school serving both Nigerian and missionary families.

A well-established SIM partner ministry is seeking a Publishing Editor and Manager. Edit and publish theological books to serve the African church and seminaries. Manage warehouse sourcing and distributing books nationwide.

South Africa

Here in South Africa, we have many opportunities, including in personnel and communications. Help bring more ministry workers to South Africa’s communities and help tell stories of God’s work through them!


Two theological education institutions partnering with SIM Zimbabwe need missionary lecturers in Old Testament, New Testament, Systematic Theology, Biblical Languages (Greek and Hebrew), Practical/Applied Theology, and World Religions and Cults. Rusitu Bible College is in a serene rural valley with lush vegetation but connected to major urban centres by a tarred road. It offers certificate and diploma courses, each running for three years. Theological College of Zimbabwe is in an urban setting, offering undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

SIM Zimbabwe also needs two ministry workers to evangelise and disciple children and youths, who make the majority of Zimbabwe’s population but who have very few Christian workers. The ministry opportunity can be in various forms, such as sports, martial arts, fine arts, or after school activities.



The Centre needs English teachers as part of its outreach to university students in Northern Thailand. Situated between two major universities that together have more than 50 000 students, The Centre offers them English classes and a place to hang out with other students, find community and experience Christians from around the world. Thailand is only about 1% Christian, which means that most of the students who come to The Centre have never heard the gospel. There are so many students to reach; please, would you consider joining our team?

South America


Remote Quechua villages in the Cusco and Andes mountains need dentists to serve with a mobile dental clinic ministry. Short-term associates would live in Cusco and participate in mobile clinic outreaches to surrounding villages, located within seven hours of Cusco. While Cusco is a large, multi-ethnic city, our primary focus for dental clinics is with Quechua people.

How to begin the enquiry process:

Is the Lord is calling you to any of these ministries—or perhaps others? Would you like more information? If so, then please email [email protected], and you will be sent a Connect form to fill out. This is not an application but simply a form that solicits more information to help us better understand what your interest in missions may be and how SIM could potentially be a good fit. When the filled-out Connect form is returned and it is clear that an enquirer genuinely wants to serve God cross-culturally, an application form is sent to the enquirer to begin the application process.

SIM missionaries serve both overseas and within South Africa’s boundaries. It is important to note that a missionary does not serve in isolation and is essentially an extension of his or her sending church, serving under the umbrella of SIM. As stated earlier, SIM missionaries are not salaried; they are self-funded and need to do their own support raising. It is a way of both growing in our faith and relying on God’s providence.


This article is reprinted from SIMnow issue 157, available for download at

By Stephan Walters & Brian Heffron, SIM SA Sending Coordinator & Communications Manager

Photo shows students in the library of Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria (by Brian Heffron)