News Stories

Christmas around the world: East Asia

Christmas around the world: East Asia

The current issue of our semi-annual magazine, SIMnow, includes a special section of stories by some of our missionaries and workers in several countries around the world. We saved two of their submissions to publish online. We hope you will enjoy these additional...

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Christmas around the world: East Asia

Christmas around the world: South Africa

The current issue of our semi-annual magazine, SIMnow, includes a special section of stories by some of our missionaries and workers in several countries around the world. We saved two of their submissions to publish online. We hope you will enjoy these additional...

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Praying, speaking, & acting against xenophobia and gender violence

Praying, speaking, & acting against xenophobia and gender violence

The first sin committed was putting selfish ambition before loving God. The second was putting selfish anger before loving another human being. They have plagued us ever since.

Yet again, we are being overwhelmed by shocking examples of the hideous depths to which many reject God’s call to love and care for others.

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A servant heads home

A servant heads home

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of Alfred Paetzold.

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