A consultation on African missions mobilization took place in June 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa, hosted by SIM.

For six days, more than 50 attendees from 14 countries met to discuss strategies for releasing African workers and African resources for the work to which God has called them.

Representatives came from mission agencies such as African-founded Global Link Afrika, SIM, The Kingdom Projects, and AIM (Africa Inland Mission), as well as business leaders and representatives from large African churches.

The increase in African missionaries requires both better financial strategies and providing member care for those serving. Discussions therefore included how to work more effectively with churches and how to see what some consider weaknesses as strengths instead.

Of particular interest were discussions about local methods of fundraising, such as the use of monthly savings clubs, group fundraising, and churches banding together to take turns supporting missionaries.

Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM international director, reminded the group, “God never commands what His people cannot deliver by His Spirit, His power, His provision, and His wisdom.”

SIM Southern Africa Director Dr. Benjamin Pillay and Regional Director Dr. Siegfried Ngubane also participated in the consultation.

“[This] was the start of a conversation that would act as a catalyst for ongoing deliberations and action around the role of Africa and Africans in the arena of global missions. Africa is pivotal to the next wave of global mission endeavour,” Benjamin said.

The attendees also spent time in prayer and group discussions to consider better ways of collaborating locally and across the continent.


This article is adapted from AfriGO magazine (http://AfriGO.org), a partnership of SIM and AIM since 2019. It was reprinted from SIMnow issue 157, available for download at https://sim.org.za/simnow/.

Text by AfriGO Magazine Team

Photos by Brian Heffron, SIM South Africa Communications Manager