SIM South Africa is offering free training to churches in the Western Cape.

The training is an interactive, four-hour introduction to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).  SIM SA missionary Sandy, who developed and provides this English teacher training, runs TESOL modules at a local university.

“The workshop encourages Christians to consider how jobs that they consider to be secular are tools in God’s hands to build His kingdom,” Sandy said, adding that teaching English is a practical and valuable way for any Christian to show God’s love to the migrant students and workers on their doorsteps.

“English lessons provide a way of serving people, building relationships, and having meaningful conversations,” she said.

She also pointed out that matrics interested in a gap year can find paid employment teaching English in many parts of the world including Asia and South America.

“It is a great way for young people to get safe cross-cultural experience without having to raise support to do it,” she said.

Churches are asked to provide a venue (preferably with facilities for mid-morning tea and snacks), to advertise the course to their congregation and community, and to pray for the TESOL training ministry.

Sandy’s university TESOL ministry is featured in the next issue of SIMNow magazine, coming out early next month.  Anyone wishing to subscribe should email their name and postal address to [email protected].