A new issue of SIMnow is now available to read online

A new issue of SIMnow is now available to read online

Read our latest issue today! Come and celebrate what the Lord is doing! God is so good; through every trial and trouble, through every season and struggle, He is always watching over His creation and those whom He has called according to His purpose. We invite you to...

Refugee ministry – Lesvos island and Germany experience

SIM SA missionary Henry Jooste reflects on what he learned during his recent trip to a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos, just off the coast of Turkey. I have just spent two weeks on the island of Lesvos helping with refugee ministry in a camp. I want to...

Miracles of grace at Mseleni

In July 2015, a fire in one of the houses at the Mseleni Children’s Home claimed the life of one of the children and of a care worker who had gone back into the house to try to save the child.  This tragic event has had a significant impact on the Mseleni...

Developing front line leaders for God’s army

In the military you train leaders or you die. As Christians we face a spiritual battle that is more intense and more real than the conflict a soldier faces in combat. But we are not as intentional as we should be in rigorously training and developing people to...

Pray for South Africa

Pray for people in authority in the nation To have their hearts directed by the Lord: The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. (Proverbs 21:1) To recognize their authority as under God: “Do you refuse to speak...